It's Fall but I'm not Falling (many photos / many words)
Before we go deep here, October 2023 has been the busiest month i’ve had all year. I’m so thankful for all the families, seniors and wedding clients that trusted me with photographing their milestones. I’ll be running some rad specials here soon and always here for Family pictures going into the holidays. Okay, lets jump int..
Last night I received a message of thanks from a recent client and there was a phrase within the message that stuck out to me and it was along the lines of
“Thank you for the reminder that my family is rad and still has fun… regardless of everything going on”
….. I don’t have a clue on the ‘Everything going on’, that’s not in my job description, however it really brought me a mixture of emotion. One, the fact the photos served as a reminder of connection, joy and togetherness, Shows me i’m a success as a photographer. Two, it stirred up a sadness that feels like home at this point, stemming from the realization that we all have trials and just total shit that we’re dealing with.
What do we do with that? Do we go about our day ignorant to the fact that everyone is hurting? Do we bottle our own hurt till the suppression of tears brings us to illness? Do we rely on past crutches that really only served us by numbing the pain? Maybe it’s all of the above! OR MAYBE. We make a change in the way we handle these hardships.
Maybe we sit with the pain and allow ourselves to fully feel all the feelings. We can make like Harrison Ford and set a 15 minute timer and put on the saddest song we can think of and just cry. Maybe we reach out to a friend for support, even more so, we reach out to family and pour encouragement and gratitude for the ways they’ve helped us in our lives. I for one see tremendous healing when we reach out to someone else that we know that might be going through it.
I understand sometimes we feel so underwater that anything positive just seems impossible but I promise you, It’s not far out of reach. You have the power of this entire universe in you to overcome anything. I encourage you as we go into this cold and often very painful season, Walk with intention to be a light and ask for any and all love and beauty to enter your life.
I’ve had a song on repeat lately written by the lovely Australian band Middle Kids titled Bootleg Firecracker. It’s a soft and beautiful song that reminds me that even when love and goodness is something we want, we shy away from it in fear of more hurt. The universe has been showing me time and time again, that if you listen to your intuition and follow that, you’re going to be okay and you’ll love the journey… Sure if you ignore those negetive gut feelings, you might end up somewhere you shouldn’t be, so don’t forget that part.
I love you, you deserve love and abundance. You are a shining light to your friends and your family and I hope you take some big breaths to really soak up the glimmering moments this month. When something positive comes my way, I take a quick walk around the block, keep my chin up and acknowledge the beautiful things I see while thanking what powers that be for the positives… and guess what, more positives come in almost immediately.
What you focus on you create more of.
Be well my friends.